February 2017

Volume I, Issue 1

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Introducing the inaugural issue of Trellis Magazine—which is true on more than one level. We’re hitting the ground running with exclusive interviews, hard-hitting personal segments, and timely reporting on the aftermath of the U.S. Presidential election. Our goal with this issue is to set the tone for the kind of journalism we believe in: that which promotes thoughtful public discourse and encourages a fresh look at Christian faith beyond narrow partisan ideological frameworks. Read this month’s Edgewise column for more thoughts along those lines.

Our Special Report this month is on the surprising connection between Charismatic Christian doctrines and Trumpism. We don’t intend to cover Trump or even American politics every issue, but given the historic nature of this past election, it seemed inevitable. We’re also very excited about the other guest contributions to the issue on a wide range of topics. Please browse through the articles and let us know what you think during this launch period. Thank you! —JW

Cover Art by Jared White
Image Credit: Joseph Sohm (Dreamstime.com)

Table of Contents

Edgewise: From the Editor's Desk

Thanks social media. It’s all politics now. Welcome to 2017.

by Jared White

The Trump of God

How united support for Donald Trump by Charismatic Christian leaders helped him win the White House.

by Jared White

The Year Racism Became Personal

It may not be as blatant or obvious today, but racism still exists and it is still very real.

by Chris Davis

Fount of Every Blessing

An exclusive interview with Danielle Shroyer, author of “Original Blessing”

Trellis Interview Series

Shut Off the Chatter and Listen to the Spirit

When we become still, we can notice, sense, and know God. When we do this as a spiritual practice, we open ourselves to God’s inclusive mission in the world: to love God and love others.

by Ginger Rothhaas

My Unexpected Journey on the Camino de Santiago

It was a time to disengage from the routine, the rituals, the normal, the predictable.

by Rod Wallace

Taught by Supergirl

Hiding god-like powers and blending into the crowd is no small feat. Perhaps it’s even harder when you’re a woman.

by Jared White


Chris Davis Chris Davis
Ginger Rothhaas Ginger Rothhaas
Rod Wallace Rod Wallace
Jared White Jared White